PROMPT MODE HELP Software packages are about to be transfered onto your hard drive. Several options exist for selecting which packages you wish to install. If you select "full", the install program will just go ahead and install everything from the disk sets you have selected. If you're got enough disk space, this should work fine. You'll have some packages you don't need on your hard drive, though, like fairly large X servers for display hardware you don't own. Not a problem, if you run short of space, go into /var/log/packages and read any or all of the files with 'less' to see what packages you have installed, and remove and unnecessary ones using 'removepkg'. For people who know what they want to install and would like to select the packages from menus instead of individually, there are two menu installation modes: "menu" and "expert". "menu" mode puts up a menu at the start of each series of packages, from which you can install systems such as the GNU C/C++ compiler, or the Linux source code. It's easy to use, and makes installation go much faster than "newbie" mode. "expert" mode is similar, but allows the toggling of every individual package. This offers the greatest control over what gets installed on the machine, but can be tricky for beginners. The so-called "newbie" mode will follow a defaults file in the first directory of each series you install that will install some required package automatically, while prompting you about the rest of them, one by one. This mode of installation _really_ is no longer recommended. There are so many packages now that the time added to the installation is quite significant, and the chance of accidentally leaving out an important package is high. If you haven't installed Slackware before, the best thing to do is make sure you have plenty of space and go for a "full" installation. About the "tagfile" files: The package installation defaults are user definable -- you may set any package to be added or skipped automatically by editing your choices into a file called TAGFILE that will be found on the first disk of each series. The tagfile contains all the instructions needed to completely automate your installation. NOTE: Software may be added to your system after the initial installation. Just type 'setup' to add software to your system. Another script, 'pkgtool', may be used to add software packages from the current directory, or to cleanly remove packages that you want uninstalled. Also, command line utilities (installpkg, removepkg, makepkg, etc) are available, and (once learned) more efficient to use. These are what I use for package management. If you use tagfiles, you might want to use a custom tagfile that you have created yourself instead of the default ones that come with Slackware (the ones named 'tagfile'). For instance, I use custom tagfiles called 'tagfile.pat' that you might see on your disks. :^) You make a custom tagfile by copying the 'tagfile' on the first disk of a series to a file named 'tagfile.???' where .??? is a custom extension of your choosing. (I use '.pat') Once you've done this, you can edit the defaults any way you like. (but be careful about changing stuff that was installed by default) To use a custom tagfile, just choose "custom" on the prompt mode menu, and enter your custom extension. Any tagfiles with this extension will then be used for the duration of the installation. If at any point a tagfile with that extension cannot be found, the default tagfile will be used instead. -- End of prompt mode help text