#!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi if [ -f $TMP/Punattended ]; then eval $(grep "^REMOTE_URL=" $TMP/Punattended) eval $(grep "^REMOTE_PATH=" $TMP/Punattended) fi # Return a package name that has been stripped of the dirname portion # and any of the valid extensions (only): pkgbase() { PKGEXT=$(echo $1 | rev | cut -f 1 -d . | rev) case $PKGEXT in 'tgz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tgz) ;; 'tbz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tbz) ;; 'tlz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .tlz) ;; 'txz' ) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1 .txz) ;; *) PKGRETURN=$(basename $1) ;; esac echo $PKGRETURN } package_name() { STRING=$(pkgbase $1) # Check for old style package name with one segment: if [ "$(echo $STRING | cut -f 1 -d -)" = "$(echo $STRING | cut -f 2 -d -)" ]; then echo $STRING else # has more than one dash delimited segment # Count number of segments: INDEX=1 while [ ! "$(echo $STRING | cut -f $INDEX -d -)" = "" ]; do INDEX=$(expr $INDEX + 1) done INDEX=$(expr $INDEX - 1) # don't include the null value # If we don't have four segments, return the old-style (or out of spec) package name: if [ "$INDEX" = "2" -o "$INDEX" = "3" ]; then echo $STRING else # we have four or more segments, so we'll consider this a new-style name: NAME=$(expr $INDEX - 3) NAME="$(echo $STRING | cut -f 1-$NAME -d -)" echo $NAME fi fi } while [ 0 ]; do rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount UPNRUN=$(cat $TMP/SeTupnrun) cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Good! We're all set on the local end, but now we need to know where to find the software packages to install. First, we need the URL of the ftp or http server where the Slackware sources are stored. URL examples are: '' ; '' EOF if [ "$UPNRUN" = "0" ]; then cat << EOF >> $TMP/tempmsg Since you're already running on the network, you should be able to use the hostname instead of an IP address if you wish. EOF fi echo "What is the URL of your FTP/HTTP server? " >> $TMP/tempmsg dialog --title "ENTER URL OF FTP/HTTP SERVER" --inputbox \ "$(cat $TMP/tempmsg)" 15 70 $REMOTE_URL 2> $TMP/remote if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/remote exit fi REMOTE_URL="$(cat $TMP/remote)" rm $TMP/remote cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg There must be a directory on the server with the Slackware packages and files arranged in a tree like the FTP site. The installation script needs to know the name of the directory on your server that contains the series subdirectories. For example, if your A series is found at /slack/slackware64/a, then you would respond: /slack/slackware64 What is the Slackware source directory? EOF dialog --title "SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY" --inputbox "$(cat $TMP/tempmsg)" \ 17 65 $REMOTE_PATH 2> $TMP/slacksrc if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/slacksrc exit fi REMOTE_PATH="$(cat $TMP/slacksrc)" rm $TMP/slacksrc cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg In the next screen you should watch for possible errors. First, we'll download the PACKAGES.TXT from the parent of the directory that you entered before (which should be the root of the remote Slackware tree). If that succeeds, then we use PACKAGES.TXT to reconstruct a local cache of the package tree (should take a minute or less on an average system). After that, we're all set to go! Downloading PACKAGES.TXT at the Slackware root starts after you press OK. That file is several hundreds of KB in size so it may take some time to get here... EOF dialog --title "DOWNLOAD INFORMATION" --msgbox "$(cat $TMP/tempmsg)" 20 70 rm -f $TMP/tempmsg REMOTE_ROOT=$(dirname $REMOTE_PATH) mkdir -p $TMP/treecache 2>/dev/null chmod 700 $TMP/treecache rm -rf $TMP/treecache/* 2>/dev/null ln -sf $TMP/treecache /var/log/mount/ cd /var/log/mount/treecache echo "Downloading PACKAGES.TXT ..." >> $TMP/wgetout echo "URL: $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT" > $TMP/wgetout wget -q $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT/PACKAGES.TXT > /dev/null 2>&1 RET=$? if [ $RET != 0 ]; then echo "> Download failed. Going to try one directory lower." >> $TMP/wgetout REMOTE_ROOT=$REMOTE_PATH echo "URL: $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT" >> $TMP/wgetout wget -q $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT/PACKAGES.TXT > /dev/null 2>&1 RET=$? [ $RET != 0 ] && echo "> Download failed again." >> $TMP/wgetout fi echo "" >> $TMP/wgetout if [ -r /var/log/mount/treecache/PACKAGES.TXT ]; then if head /var/log/mount/treecache/PACKAGES.TXT | grep -q "PACKAGES.TXT" ; then echo "A Slackware 'PACKAGES.TXT' is available. Ready to continue!" >> $TMP/wgetout DEFANSW="no" fi else echo "No file 'PACKAGES.TXT' was found. Wrong URL?" >> $TMP/wgetout DEFANSW="yes" fi echo "" >> $TMP/wgetout echo "Do you want to try setting up FTP/HTTP again?" >> $TMP/wgetout echo "" >> $TMP/wgetout if [ "$DEFANSW" = "no" ]; then dialog --title "DOWNLOAD RESULT" \ --defaultno --yesno "$(cat $TMP/wgetout)" 12 68 RET=$? else dialog --title "DOWNLOAD RESULT" \ --yesno "$(cat $TMP/wgetout)" 12 68 RET=$? fi if [ $RET = 1 ]; then rm -f $TMP/wgetout break fi rm -f $TMP/wgetout #if [ "$UPNRUN" = "1" ]; then # route del $LOCAL_NETWORK # ifconfig $ENET_DEVICE down #fi done if [ -r /var/log/mount/treecache/PACKAGES.TXT ]; then echo "/var/log/mount/treecache/slackware64" > $TMP/SeTDS echo "-source_mounted" > $TMP/SeTmount echo "/dev/null" > $TMP/SeTsource echo "${REMOTE_URL},${REMOTE_ROOT}" > $TMP/SeTremotesvr dialog --title "INITIALIZING PACKAGE TREE" --infobox \ "\nSetting up local cache for the FTP/HTTP server's package tree ..." 5 72 mkdir slackware64 isolinux 2>/dev/null wget -q -P ./isolinux $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT/isolinux/setpkg # Create a local package tree with zero-byte package placeholders: TOTALP=$(grep "PACKAGE NAME:" PACKAGES.TXT | wc -l) ( NUMPKG=0 GAUGE=0 grep "PACKAGE " PACKAGES.TXT | while read REPLY ; do case "$REPLY" in "PACKAGE NAME:"*) TEMP=$(echo $REPLY | cut -d: -f2) PKGNAME=$(echo $TEMP) PKGBASE=$(pkgbase $PKGNAME) PKGSHRT=$(package_name $PKGNAME) let NUMPKG=NUMPKG+1 if [ $(( ((100 * $NUMPKG)/$TOTALP)/5 )) -gt $(( $GAUGE/5 )) ]; then GAUGE=$(( (100 * $NUMPKG)/$TOTALP )) echo "$GAUGE" fi ;; "PACKAGE LOCATION:"*) TEMP=$(echo $REPLY | cut -d: -f2) PKGDIR=$(echo $TEMP) mkdir -p $PKGDIR touch ${PKGDIR}/${PKGNAME} ;; "PACKAGE SIZE (compressed):"*) TEMP=$(echo $REPLY | cut -d: -f2) PKGSIZE=$(echo $TEMP) echo "$PKGSIZE" 1> ${PKGDIR}/${PKGBASE}.size ;; *) ;; esac done \ ) | dialog --title "INITIALIZING PACKAGE TREE" --gauge \ "\nProcessing ${TOTALP} Slackware packages..." 8 65 # Make sure we can select stuff from the package series: dialog --title "INITIALIZING PACKAGE TREE" --infobox \ "\nRetrieving tagfile information for the package tree ..." 5 65 for series in $(ls -1 slackware64) ; do wget -q -P ./slackware64/$series $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT/slackware64/$series/tagfile wget -q -P ./slackware64/$series $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT/slackware64/$series/maketag.ez wget -q -P ./slackware64/$series $REMOTE_URL$REMOTE_ROOT/slackware64/$series/maketag done else dialog --title "REMOTE SERVER CONFIGURATION" --msgbox \ "\nFailed to configure for installation from remote server." 5 65 fi