#!/bin/sh TMP=/var/log/setup/tmp if [ ! -d $TMP ]; then mkdir -p $TMP fi if [ -f $TMP/Punattended ]; then eval $(grep "^SMB_SERVER=" $TMP/Punattended) eval $(grep "^SMB_ROOT=" $TMP/Punattended) fi if [ "$REMOTE_SHARE" = "" ]; then REMOTE_SHARE=${SMB_SERVER}; fi if [ "$REMOTE_PATH" = "" ]; then REMOTE_PATH=${SMB_ROOT}; fi # Load the cifs module: modprobe cifs 2>/dev/null while [ 0 ]; do rm -f $TMP/SeTDS $TMP/SeTmount UPNRUN=`cat $TMP/SeTupnrun` cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg Good! We're all set on the local end, but now we need to know where to find the software packages to install. First, we need the share address of the Samba server where the Slackware sources are stored. Example share address: // EOF if [ "$UPNRUN" = "0" ]; then cat << EOF >> $TMP/tempmsg Since you're already running on the network, you should be able to use the hostname instead of an IP address if you wish. EOF fi echo "What is the share address of your Samba server? " >> $TMP/tempmsg dialog --title "ENTER SHARE ADDRESS OF SAMBA SERVER" --inputbox \ "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" 15 70 $REMOTE_SHARE 2> $TMP/remote if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/remote exit fi REMOTE_SHARE="`cat $TMP/remote`" rm $TMP/remote cat << EOF > $TMP/tempmsg There must be a directory on the server with the Slackware packages and files arranged in a tree like the FTP site. The installation script needs to know the name of the directory below your Samba share that contains the series subdirectories. For example, if your A series is found at /slack/slackware64/a, then you would respond: /slack/slackware64 What is the Slackware source directory? EOF dialog --title "SELECT SOURCE DIRECTORY" --inputbox "`cat $TMP/tempmsg`" \ 17 70 $REMOTE_PATH 2> $TMP/slacksrc if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then rm -f $TMP/tempmsg $TMP/slacksrc exit fi REMOTE_PATH="`cat $TMP/slacksrc`" rm $TMP/slacksrc echo "You should see no mount errors:" > $TMP/mntout echo "Mounting $REMOTE_SHARE ..." >> $TMP/mntout mount -t cifs -o ro,guest,sec=none $REMOTE_SHARE /var/log/mount \ >> $TMP/mntout 2>&1 RET=$? if [ $RET != 0 ]; then echo "Mount failed." >> $TMP/mntout umount -f -t cifs /var/log/mount 1>/dev/null 2>&1 DEFANSW="yes" else echo "Mounted Samba share(s):" >> $TMP/mntout mount -t cifs >> $TMP/mntout 2>/dev/null echo "" >> $TMP/mntout if [ -f /var/log/mount/$REMOTE_PATH/a/tagfile \ -o -f /var/log/mount/$REMOTE_PATH/slackware64/a/tagfile ]; then echo "A Slackware package tree was found! Ready to continue." >> $TMP/mntout DEFANSW="no" else echo "No Slackware package tree found at the indicated path!" >> $TMP/mntout DEFANSW="yes" fi fi echo "" >> $TMP/mntout echo "Do you want to try setting up Samba again?" >> $TMP/mntout echo "" >> $TMP/mntout if [ "$DEFANSW" = "no" ]; then dialog --title "MOUNT RESULT" \ --defaultno --yesno "`cat $TMP/mntout`" 17 70 RET=$? else dialog --title "MOUNT RESULT" \ --yesno "`cat $TMP/mntout`" 12 68 RET=$? fi if [ $RET = 1 ]; then rm -f $TMP/mntout break fi rm -f $TMP/mntout #if [ "$UPNRUN" = "1" ]; then # route del $LOCAL_NETWORK # ifconfig $ENET_DEVICE down #fi done if [ -f /var/log/mount/$REMOTE_PATH/a/tagfile ]; then echo "/var/log/mount/$REMOTE_PATH" > $TMP/SeTDS else echo "/var/log/mount/${REMOTE_PATH}/slackware64" > $TMP/SeTDS fi echo "-source_mounted" > $TMP/SeTmount echo "/dev/null" > $TMP/SeTsource