raspi-hacks -- modifications for Slackware ARM on Raspberry Pi The raspi-hacks package applies error fixes and performance improvements to the Slackware ARM installation on your Raspberry Pi. It will make the following changes: * Serial port - /etc/inittab will be modified to replace the 'Local serial lines' entries s0, s1 and s2. The Rasberry Pi's UART is /dev/ttyAMA0, not /dev/ttyS0. This prevents the error 'INIT: Id "s0" respawning too fast'. * Clock - the Raspberry Pi has no hardware clock and boots with the date/time set to 1970-01-01, so /etc/rc.d/rc.local will be modified to set the correct date/time from the network (using the 'sntp' command). Additionally, the file /etc/e2fsck.conf will be created to stop e2fsck from erroring or requiring manual intervention when it encounters bad time stamps. The fakeclock mechanism in a previous version of this package is no longer used, and the original hwclock command will be restored when you upgrade this package. This reinstates the error 'Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method' :-) * Tuning - /etc/sysctl.conf will be created to tune vm.min_free_kbytes. This prevents the error 'smsc95xx 1-1.1:1.0: eth0: kevent 2 may have been dropped'. * libcofi_rpi - The library /usr/lib/libcofi_rpi.so contains teh_orph's replacement memcpy and memset functions. These replacements have been reported to improve application performance. They are disabled by default, but if you want to enable them, use this command and then log out and log in again: chmod ugo-x /etc/profile.d/libcofi_rpi.{sh,csh}