personal packages repository for slackware-14.2 -------------------------------------------------- this is my personal repository for slackware-14.2: these are the packages I use on my own installations. you are free to use this stuff but there are no guarantees they will work for you (in particular if used with packages from other third party repositories), nor I take any responsibility if your cat is harmed during their use. :) if not yet clear, this means this repository is *UNSUPPORTED*. you can check for dependencies on if you need single packages (optional dependencies might be also required), but all you need besides a 14.2 full default installation should be already in this folder. MANDATORY: install the full set, package managers are *UNSUPPORTED* too ;) before installing the whole run these commands to create the needed users/groups: groupadd -g 210 clamav useradd -u 210 -d /dev/null -s /bin/false -g clamav clamav groupadd -g 220 tor useradd -u 220 -g 220 -c "The Onion Router" -d /dev/null -s /bin/false tor groupadd -g 206 privoxy useradd -u 206 -g 206 -c "Web Proxy" -d /dev/null -s /bin/false privoxy groupadd -g 208 lighttpd useradd -u 208 -g lighttpd -d /var/www lighttpd some packages might require additional steps: you are invited to read their README on (latest global rebuild may 2nd 2019)